Turn Product Reviews into Insights for

Turn Product Reviews into
Actionable Insights with AI

Craft messaging that resonates with your target audience

Out-position your competition, no matter the landscape

Harness the power of actionable AI-generated insights

From Amazon URL to actionable insights in 3 easy steps:

1. Enter Product URL

Provide an Amazon product URL (of your product or someone else's) for our platform to scrape and analyze reviews from.

2. Let ReviewGuru go to work

ReviewGuru uses cutting-edge AI techniques to extract, decode, and analyze reviews, transforming reviews into valuable insights.

3. Explore your report

Dive into your report: a marketing treasure, UX playbook, product dev blueprint, and research guide. Full of insightful charts and suggestions.

What does
ReviewGuru do?

Utilizing the power of AI, ReviewGuru scrapes and analyzes all customer reviews, transforming piles of qualitative feedback into concise quantitative insights that can be used for informed, strategic decision-making.

Speak your customer's language

Craft marketing messages that resonate, using the language and sentiments expressed by your customers in their reviews.

Stay ahead with competitive analysis

Pinpoint areas where your competitors excel and identify their gaps. Leverage these insights to capitalize on opportunities.

Analyze review sentiments

Don't just hear—truly listen. Understand into the mood of your audience, uncover areas of satisfaction, swiftly address concerns, and spotlight where you excel.

Convert feedback into actionable insights

Refine your offerings with tangible insights derived from customer feedback. Address concerns proactively and enhance the features they love.

Craft effective marketing messaging for campaigns

By understanding what customers like and don't like, you can create effective copy that is certain to connect with customer desires/anxieties.

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Discover and analyze competitor flaws and market opportunities

Find oppourtunities for a winning product by analyzing competing products and identifying where customers are left wanting more.

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Fuel product evolution by identifying consumer desires

Customer feedback is the ultimate resources for product development. By understanding your customer's desires, you can better cater your offering to their needs.

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Find and solve weak points in customer experience

Use product reviews to see how different parts of your customer's experience stack up against one another and find areas that can be improved.

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Here's how people are using review analysis.

Be among the businesses that use ReviewGuru to help them with product improvement and competitor analysis.

Luxury Home Bar enhanced sales by using review analysis to identify a key concern: fridge noise levels. They introduced a 'Sound Score' on their site, easing customer anxieties and boosting purchases.

Anton, an e-commerce ad specialist, uses word cloud analysis of product reviews to uncover common customer frustrations. By pinpointing these issues, he tailors his ad campaigns to emphasize how his clients' products solve these specific problems, making the ads more effective and targeted.


Harvest insights from reviews

Be among the first businesses to use ReviewGuru to tap into the wealth of information hidden within user-submitted reviews.

(The earlier you sign up, the earlier you get access.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost associated with joining the closed beta?

How does pricing work for using ReviewGuru?

How does ReviewGuru gather insights from customer reviews?

Can ReviewGuru help us understand our competitors better?

Is ReviewGuru suitable for businesses of all sizes?

How can ReviewGuru improve our marketing efforts?

What sets ReviewGuru apart from other review analysis tools?

When will ReviewGuru's closed beta launch?

How can I stay updated about ReviewGuru's progress and launch?

Will there be any limitations during the closed beta?

Dive into the insight-generating world of product review mining